But I didn’t grow up playing soccer?


This has got to be one of the most common reasons parents give for not helping their child get extra touches at home.


My name is Neil Crawford and I am the founder of Anytime Soccer Training.  Like so many, I also didn’t grow up playing soccer.  As a matter of fact, being from rural South Carolina, I don’t think our high school even had a soccer team.


Fast forward – when my son started soccer, I could tell he really loved the game but was so behind the other kids that he became frustrated.  I knew the only way he was going to improve was to get some extra touches at home.


Quick Tips

  • Start with play – all kids love racing, chasing, tagging, and playing 1v1
  • Set a goal and get their buy-in
  • Do some of the drills with them. I repeat; do some of the drills with them!
  • Focus on repetitions, not complexity
  • Get a lot of touches with their non-dominant foot because team training is not enough
  • Go slow, (one move at a time) and start with only a few minutes each day
  • Keep your cool
  • Reward them for putting in the extra work
  • Frame this as extra practice; NOT added pressure



So what did I do?


I spent hours searching the internet for drills.


Then I had to organize them based on my son’s skill level. And when we finally started practicing, I had to stop and start every two seconds to show him the next move.


I knew there had to be a better way.


That’s why I created Anytime Soccer TrainingIt’s the program that I wish I had 10 years ago when my son’s first started soccer.


With Anytime Soccer Training I made sure that everything you need is laid out in a step-by-step progression that is easy to use and easy to follow.



The program includes a reward feature that motivates your child to stick with it long-term.  Look at this demo with the Blue Knights Soccer Club



Click below and take the 7-Day Ball Mastery Challenge. We will deliver seven unique training videos to your inbox each day.



Every video is 100% follow-along and the program goes step-by-step.  As a parent, all you have to do is hit play and ensure your child stays consistent.


PS: Ignore anyone who tells you that you can’t help your child get better. You can do anything you put your mind to – you just need determination, self-reflection, and the right system.  Anytime Soccer Training is that system.


Check out our podcast entitled, The Parent’s Guide to Training Your Own Child.